Category Archives: សាសនា

I asked questions to Time and Space(17)

Although I don’t really know what or who you are,oh,Time,but many people see in you as an entity having a power on all beings such as humans because you often give them an opportunity or a luck in their life.But some other people rather than asking for your help,they ask for help from the the sky and the earth that they consider as entiies having surnatural power.The lovers often asked the earth and sky to be witness of their love.This is because people think you are not kind to them and sometimes because of you,they have short life such a thai proverb saying as the following :

อย่าให้เวลามากำหนดชีวิตของคุณ(Don’t let the time determine your life).At this point,I consider you as an amazing entity with surnatural power as same as gods.Furthermore,you have many virtues and kindness toward all beings on earth.But at one point,without you,they will be frozen!

I asked questions to Time and Space(16)

Oh!Time do you dwell in the watch and clock? People can change you twice a year.But you and Space are omnipresent! I mean you are not confined in the watch or clock but you are present everywhere in the Universe!

Time change today12 march 2023 at 2:00AM(setting one hour forward now and in november backward in our watch or clock) in all Canadian provinces ,except the province Saskatchewan and the territory Yukon because people living there don’t like the time change.Personally,I don’t like the time change,it’s annoying though it may be an advantage economically or politcally.In the the world,the time change affect only 1.6 billions of population; the rest(about 6.4billions) do not get affected.

Why is there time change ?The Canada pratice this since world war I and it seems to have an advantage when seeing that the Germany

do this to get more productions for its ambitions to become the world superpower.

But today,many people see the time change as annoying or as a trouble affecting their daily activities or their health.

As more and more people see this time change as annoying,a U.S bill was first proposed in 2018 but failed to get through both chambers of Congress and then last March it installed in the House without a vote.

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio last week reintroduced the Sunshine Protection Act that would allow states to make daylight time permanent.

If passed, the law would have knock-on effects across Canada with provinces including British Columbia and Ontario waiting on neighbouring U.S. states to ditch the time change before they do so too.

University of British Columbia business professor Werner Antweiler says the latest version of the bill has bipartisan backing and if it passes, B.C.’s time change at 2 a.m. Sunday morning may be its last.

I asked questions to the Time and Space(14)

Oh!Time,I am not sure about your existence.But I am neither sure about your non-existence.Does this mean I am not sure about the existence of Space also?How come scientists talked about the traveling in the Time ,but not in the Space? besides, they said that both of you are inseparable?They even believed that it is possible to go to the past or to go to the future? Is that possible,oh!Time and Space?

That is an amazing idea,but more and more people believe it is possible and scientists have even imagined of creating a spaceship to travel in the Time to go back to the past or to the future.I cannot imagine how this idea should be possible.At that point,I wonder if you exist.

Oh! Time, you go around and around: starting from Monday to Tuesday…Friday,Saturday,Sunday and then came back to Monday which continues…and then goes to Friday,Saturday,Sunday again…again endlessly .That is for what purpose?Is this world strange to me while I asked you all these questions?

If both of you do not exist,where can be everything in the Universe?But is that you,the origin or the parents of everything?though you are not the creator.But the creator was believed by people to be the Supreme Being or God.And God has no origin nor end because God is not relative to Time and Space.

I asked questions to the Time and Space(13)

Oh! Time,people value you more than Space and have a lot of things to say about you,but they don’t know that you are always with space in all circumstances:you are inseparable from Space.

One thing that they value you rather than Space is that Time is money.But they complain about you too,for exemple,they say that you are walking too fast,and others say that you are walking too slowly .Some people are even angry with you because they are very impatient.

People often asked each other:do they have you?as if they asked :do they have money in their pocket?

Sometimes,they considered you as water that is flowing far away without coming back.They also regret that you are passing (lapsing)without giving them anything.Sometimes,they pray your forgiveness and asked you for an opportunity.But some others pray that you passes faster so that they forget what that have badly happened to them.And when they see their old photos they feel soon nostalgic about you : you were caught in their photos.

Singers Nop Payarith and Sokun Nisa sang a song with the title :You,because you are just as famous as them.

Because of you,the lovers meet and fall in love with each other.You have great virtues towards them.That is why they sing the song to thank you.

Another big advantage is that because of you,the plants and animals evolve or prosper, but everything grows up from young age to old age and then finally to death.

I asked questions to the Time and Space(12)

But many people said that both of you,Time and Space are eternal and immortal : You have no beginning nor end.However some people even said they killed time by doing something to not think of you,and some others said they immortalized or stopped you in a photo.But these are nonsense; it is jus an imagination or an impression,right?As you are always together,if one of you are killed,the other,too,is killed.I feel bizarre as i addressed you as persons.But this just because nobody really knows what are the Time and Space.You are not the living things,nor object.

Now,I go to explore you in the Black hole,to see whether both of you are there too.

They said that the black hole is the prison for light.The gravity is extremely strong that nothing can escape.It has a property that deform both of you(Time and Space) and the physical laws do not work in the black hole.Nobody can see the center of the black hole,but the mathematicians explored the black hole with the theory of general relativity of Einstein and knew about the strange effects occuring near the border of the black hole and in its center where the matter collapsed into a singularity,the infinitely tiny point with infinite density.Some caculations indicated that the black holes would be the door to other universes.

And what is the singularity(of the black holes)?There are two types of singularity: one of the stationnary black hole,the other one is of the rotating black The black hole,the time and space are extremely curved,creating the singularity where they disappeared:They cease to exist,as they do at the beginning of the Big Bang’s explosion.

I asked questions to the Time and Space(11)

The astronomy told that the Big Bang is the beginning of everything:time, space and the construction of the elementary blocks of matter in the universe.The Great Cosmic Clock started 13 billion years ago in a ball of fire so concentrated that matter and ani-matter were created spontaneously from the energy. Then it began to expand and cool down, which it continues to do today.

But I wonder that anything that exists need a space to be where it should be.So don’t we see the Big Bang as something?Is it an energy(an enormous energy)?If space is not there,time is not there,where could it be?

And it said also that the pre-Big Bang does not exist because the time does not exist.But time and space have always been intimately linked in what Einstein called the space-time continuum:

Where there is time, there is space.So when the space was created,the time began to flow.

If the present Universe came from the previous one,So the first of all,came from what? an energy too? But this first energy,where did it come from?and why?

Martin Heidegger a German philosopher of 20th century asked a question related to the beginning of the Univerese as the following:why is there something rather than nothing? But at the beginning,there was nothing?If so,there will be always nothing until now!”Nothing” cannot create something!To his question,the answer is that there is always something in the universe forever,and even the immaterial things (that are infinte and are not in space-time) exist independantly of time and space. And as they did not exist in space and time,they have no beginning nor end.So,the first Big Bang should came from the outside because there was no inside!

I asked questions to the Time and Space(2)

Can I get out of you?


_No,you cannot know all about us because we are infinite and what that is infinite has no origin nor end.We are not born.We exist eternally and we envelop all the material worlds.

No,you cannot get out of us but after you die,you will get out of us and after a ”time” of your absence,you will come back if your Karma does not come to an end yet.You will have so many existences as long as you do not discern the truth and get deliverance.Once you get deliverance,you can finally escape from us without having to come back.Then you go to the eternal world.Everything is permanent there.In Us,everything is impermanent,everything changes,everything was born and reborn again and again…and dies again and again…. That is terrible or not?


Oh,yes,that is very terrible!How much terrible is the impermanence!


You want to know us? But we are nothing.

We exist,but we are nothing,So you cannot know what that is nothing but this nothing is necessary because this Univerese need us to exist,you understand? And now learn to know yourself .Do you know who you are?

O!me?Who am I? Where am I from? How did I came into the world?Why did I come here rather than elsewhere?Why now rather thean then?

But you said that you,both of you are nothing? No because from the theory of relativity of Albert Einstein,I knew that both of you are not nothing,you are something because the mass of material with its force of gravitation can curve both of you and an infinite(extremely heavy) mass can even pierce you and make a black hole.

Le Bouddha(7/7)

La voie qui mène à la cessation de la douleur

Ayant défini le mal , l’origine du mal et la cessation du mal, le grand médecin, le <<maître aux remèdes>>, détermine la marche à suivre pour atteindre ce but.

Il était naturel que le Bouddha et ses disciples, se proposant de délivrer les êtres de leurs souffrances, développassent particulièrement la partie de leur doctrine dans laquelle ils expliquaient les moyens à employer pour parvenir à cette libération.

Le Bouddha a ainsi défini la sainte vérité du chemin qui mène à la cessation de la douleur : <<C’est la sainte voie (mârya) à huit membres, à savoir l’opinion correcte, l’intention correcte, la parole correcte, l’activité corporelle correcte, les moyens d’existence corrects, l’effort correct, la mémoire ou attention correcte et la concentration correcte.

En fait , la doctrine bouddhique préconise un ensemble de méthodes beaucoup plus complexe visant à supprimer l’ignorance et à apaiser les passions, à réaliser d’une part l’examen approfondi des choses selon la réalité et d’autre part la quiétude de l’esprit. Le premier est obtenu par la voie de la vision qui commence par la compréhension claire des quatre vérités saintes et qui a pour effet de dissiper les doutes, les opinions fausses et les diverses sortes d’erreurs. L’autre est atteinte par la voie de la culture qui utilise des procédés variés et répétés ,du type de la méditation et la concentration, pour affaiblir graduellement les passions relevant du désir et de la haine jusqu’à leur disparition définitive. Le Bouddhisme reconnaît qu’il est relativement plus aisé de se débarrasser des défauts intellectuels que des vices de la sensibilité, plus profondément enracinés dans l’être. Tel renoncera à une idée dont on lui aura clairement prouvé la fausseté qui continuera à céder à la convoitise ou à la haine longtemps après qu’on lui en aura démontré la vanité et la nocivité.

Le Bouddha(6)

La cessation d la douleur

Le but est la cessation de la douleur, et par conséquent celle de la soif , celle des trois racines du mal que sont le désir, la haine et l’erreur, leur destruction totale, sans reste. On l’appelle encore extinction (Nirvâna), délivrance, épuisement ou lorsqu’elle s’accompagne de la mort ultime du saint, extinction complète( Parinirvâna).

Elle se produit généralement pendant la vie d’un saint. Celui-ci obtient alors les deux connaissances suprêmes, celle de l’épuisement de ses impuretés et celle de leur non-production à l’avenir. Il sait aussi qu’il a atteint le terme de sa longue carrière d’ascète e qu’il renaîtra plus jamais. Cependant, son existence ne s’achève pas pour autant à ce moment, sauf en des cas très rares. Comme la roue du portier continue à tourner même lorsque l’artisan l’a lâché, le saint continue à vivre pendant un certain temps déterminé par ses actes antérieurs et à recevoir les autres effets de ceux-ci en plaisir et en peine. Il cueille ainsi les derniers fruit issus de celles de ses actions qui n’avaient pas encore mûri. Il ne peut plus commettre désormais aucun acte nuisible ni produire aucune pensée mauvaise. Par contre, rien ne l’empêche d’accomplir des actions vertueuses ni d’avoir de bonnes pensées mais en raison de son suprême détachement, elles ne produiront aucun fruit entraînant une nouvelle naissance, elles seront donc stériles ou bien mûriront en faits agréables dans le reste de cette ultime existence. Pendant ses dernières années, le saint jouira sans cesse d’une sérénité que rien ne pourra troubler ni la tentation , ni la crainte, ni le ressentiment.

Lorsqu’il meurt, les cinq agrégats de phénomènes qui composaient sa personne cessent à leur tour, et il ne renaît nulle part. Logiquement, il ne subsiste donc plus rien du saint et le salut bouddhique est un anéantissement total. C’est bien ainsi que l’ont toujours compris les adversaires du Bouddha et de ses disciples. Cependant , ces derniers ont toujours énergiquement rejeté cette accusation. Il s’appuyaient notamment sur une parole attribuée aux Bienheureux et selon laquelle on doit dire ni que le Tathâgata existe au-delà de la mort, ni qu’il n’existe pas, ni qu’il existe et qu’il n’existe et qu’il n’existe pas à la fois, ni le contraire. Le terme employé, Tathâgata, fait doublement difficulté. D’une part, Ii est très ambigu, pouvant signifier<<ainsi parti>>,<< ainsi venu>>,<<allé à la réalité>>etc. D’autre part, il est devenu de bonne heure et sans que l’on se préoccupe beaucoup de son sens précis l’un des principaux titres du Bouddha.

Le Bouddha(5)

Tel un bon médecin qui , après avoir reconnu la nature de la maladie, en détermine la cause, Le Bouddha définit l’origine de la douleur : << C’est la soif , qui mène à renaître encore, accompagnée de l’attachement au plaisir ,trouvant son plaisir ici et là, c’est la soif du désir, la soif de l’existence, la soif de l’inexistence>>.Dans une formule aussi célèbre, il en donne une explication un peu différente et surtout plus complexe : conditionnées par l’ignorance se produit la composition. Conditionnées par les compositions se produit la conscience. Conditionnées par la conscience se produisent les nom et forme. Conditionnés par les nom et forme se produisent les six domaines sensoriels. Conditionné par les six domaines sensoriels se produisent le contact.. Conditionné par le contact se produit la sensation. Conditionnée par la sensation se produit la soif. Conditionnée par la soif se produit l’appropriation. Conditionnée par l’appropriation se produit l’existence. Conditionnée par l’existence se produit la naissance. Conditionnées par la naissance se produisent la vieillesse et la mort, les chagrins, les lamentations, les souffrances, la tristesse et les tourments. Telle est l’origine de tout l’ensemble des douleurs.