I asked questions to the Time and Space(12)

But many people said that both of you,Time and Space are eternal and immortal : You have no beginning nor end.However some people even said they killed time by doing something to not think of you,and some others said they immortalized or stopped you in a photo.But these are nonsense; it is jus an imagination or an impression,right?As you are always together,if one of you are killed,the other,too,is killed.I feel bizarre as i addressed you as persons.But this just because nobody really knows what are the Time and Space.You are not the living things,nor object.

Now,I go to explore you in the Black hole,to see whether both of you are there too.

They said that the black hole is the prison for light.The gravity is extremely strong that nothing can escape.It has a property that deform both of you(Time and Space) and the physical laws do not work in the black hole.Nobody can see the center of the black hole,but the mathematicians explored the black hole with the theory of general relativity of Einstein and knew about the strange effects occuring near the border of the black hole and in its center where the matter collapsed into a singularity,the infinitely tiny point with infinite density.Some caculations indicated that the black holes would be the door to other universes.

And what is the singularity(of the black holes)?There are two types of singularity: one of the stationnary black hole,the other one is of the rotating black hole.in The black hole,the time and space are extremely curved,creating the singularity where they disappeared:They cease to exist,as they do at the beginning of the Big Bang’s explosion.
